Dental Hand Sickle Scaler - Set Of 8 Pcs
1) Ergonomic Design
- Made of high quality Stainless steel
- Serrated Handles - Better Grip
- High Durability - Resist breakage of Tip
2) Tip Design
- Sharp Tip - Better Results
3) Use
- Perfect instrument for supragingival scaling in cases of gingivitis.
4) Strokes
- Used in Pull Stroke for easy removal of plaque & calculus
5) Corrosion Resistant
6) Disinfection
- Autoclavable at 135 degree celsius
The Efficacy of Sickle Scalers:
Sickles are effective because the sharp cutting edge of the sickle is adapted to heavy or tenacious calculus at a more open angle (80° to 90°) than a curet. This angulation allows the strong sickle scaler blade to fracture the deposit cleanly away from the tooth.
The sickle scaler tip can be used to remove calculus from the developmental grooves and blood grooves in canine teeth. This scaler is used to remove plaque and calculus from the tooth surface.